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Creating Custom Wrappers

As previously shown, a Resolver Wrapper is a function that receives a Resolver and must return a Resolver. This design allows for a returned Resolver function that wraps the original. The original resolver can be awaited for a result, the arguments can be checked, changed, same with the final returned result. The Generic Resolver Wrapper shows the basic concept but it is recommended to use the createWrapper function.


Whether using createWrapper or the Generic Wrapper Function are passed wrapperOptions. wrapperOptions includes useful contextual details about the Resolver being wrapped. Including wrapperOptions.type for the GraphQL type and wrapperOptions.field if it is wrapping a Field Resolver.


Using createWrapper helps by providing more context about the wrapper and includes the following benefits:

  • The wrapper is named which helps in debugging through multiple wrappers
  • The second argument will apply the right typescript typing for originalResolver and wrapperOptions
  • There are runtime checks to ensure that the type specified by second argument match the resolver being wrapped
import { createWrapper, WrapperFor } from 'graphql-mocks/resolver';

const wrapper = createWrapper('my-wrapper', WrapperFor.FIELD, function(originalResolver, wrapperOptions) {
return async function(parent, args, context, info) {
console.log('Inside the wrapper');

// Awaiting the result of the original using the parameters
// passed in from the wrapped resolver
const result = await originalResolver(parent, args, context, info);

console.log("Returning original resolver result", result);
return result;

createWrapper Arguments

ArgumentFrom the ExampleDescription
Namemy-wrapperProvides the name of the wrapper
WrapperForWrapperFor.FIELDWrapperFor.FIELD, WrapperFor.TYPE, WrapperFor.ANY. The constant that specifies the type of Resolver the wrapper can apply to. WrapperFor.ANY can be used if the Wrapper can be used for both Type Resolvers and Field Resolvers.
Wrapper Functionsee function in exampleThe Resolver Wrapper function. The originalResolver and wrapperOptions will be typed based on the WrapperFor constant.

Generic Resolver Wrapper

Note: While this is a valid Resolver Wrapper Function it is recommended to use the createWrapper for most cases

const wrapper = function (originalResolver, wrapperOptions) {
return async function (parent, args, context, info) {
console.log('Inside the wrapper');

// Awaiting the result of the original using the parameters
// passed in from the wrapped resolver
const result = await originalResolver(parent, args, context, info);

console.log("Returning original resolver result", result);
return result;

As we have seen in the Using Resolver there are two types of Resolvers: Field Resolvers and Type Resolvers. Both can be wrapped but it's important to note the arguments to these two Resolver functions are different. Therefore, there are some Resolver Wrappers that can only be used for Field Resolvers, or Type Resolvers. To make this easier it is recommended to use the createWrapper helper which provides additional type checks and guards at runtime.