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Quick Mocking with Serve

Using the gqlmocks serve command is the fastest way to get mocking only a GraphQL Schema.

The serve command provides:

  • Running server at localhost
  • A graphiql ide for browsing the schema
  • Automatic remote schema fetching with the --schema flag
  • Bundled falso middleware for automatic mocking with fake data

See the gqlmocks command documentation for more information and available flags.

Local Server

Having a mock GraphQL Server available at localhost is valuable for testing against other GraphQL tools and integrating with other locally running services.

npx gqlmocks serve --schema --fake
Fetching schema from done
Starting graphql api server on port 4444... done

Local GraphQL API: http://localhost:4444/graphql
IDE client: http://localhost:4444/client

Press Ctrl+C to stop

Local IDE

The provided the /client path available on the server provides a fully running GraphiQL IDE.

Screenshot of GraphiQL IDE

Fast Mocking with Remote Schema and Falso

The fastest way to mocking a GraphQL API without any setup is to use the Falso middleware and specifying a remote url to a GraphQL Schema file or remote GraphQL API. The Falso middleware will handle

# Fetching schema from a running GraphQL API server
npx gqlmocks serve --fake --schema ""

# Fetching .graphql file from url
npx gqlmocks serve --fake --schema ""

Additional --header flags can be used to specify any headers required to fetch the remote schema.

Using serve with a Local Handler or Config

If a more refined mocking is setup locally the gqlmocks serve command will look for a local project config file to serve. Additionally a specific handler or config file can be served with the --handle and --config flags respectively.